Tyler, TX Weather: Current Conditions, Forecast, and History - Lachlan Kotai

Tyler, TX Weather: Current Conditions, Forecast, and History

Current Weather Conditions: Tyler Tx Weather

Tyler tx weather

Tyler tx weather – The current temperature in Tyler, TX is a pleasant 75 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity level is currently at 60%, providing a comfortable level of moisture in the air. As for the wind, it is blowing at a gentle speed of 10 miles per hour from the northeast, carrying with it a refreshing breeze.

The sky above Tyler is currently adorned with a few scattered clouds, allowing the sun to peek through and cast its warm rays upon the city. There is no precipitation expected for the remainder of the day, so residents can enjoy the outdoors without the worry of getting caught in the rain.

Temperature, Tyler tx weather

  • Current temperature: 75°F
  • High temperature (today): 82°F
  • Low temperature (tonight): 63°F


  • Current humidity: 60%
  • Average humidity (for this time of year): 65%


  • Current wind speed: 10 mph
  • Wind direction: Northeast


  • Current precipitation: None
  • Chance of rain (today): 0%

Historical Weather Data

Tyler tx weather

Tyler, Texas experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters. The city receives an average of 45 inches of rain annually, with the wettest months being May and June. Tyler’s average temperature ranges from 45°F in January to 95°F in July.

The following table provides historical weather data for Tyler, TX:

Average Temperatures

Month Average High (°F) Average Low (°F)
January 55 35
February 60 40
March 68 48
April 77 57
May 85 65
June 92 72
July 95 75
August 93 74
September 87 68
October 78 58
November 68 48
December 58 38


Month Average Precipitation (inches)
January 3.5
February 3.0
March 3.8
April 4.2
May 5.0
June 4.8
July 3.5
August 3.2
September 3.6
October 3.4
November 3.2
December 3.6


Month Average Relative Humidity (%)
January 72
February 69
March 67
April 65
May 66
June 67
July 68
August 69
September 70
October 71
November 72
December 73

As the sun peeked over the horizon, casting an ethereal glow on the rolling hills of Tyler, Texas, the weather forecast painted a stark contrast. While the morning had promised a tranquil start, a sudden shift in the atmospheric currents sent shivers down the spines of locals.

A tornado warning blared through radios and cell phones, sending residents scrambling for cover. The once-serene sky now churned with ominous clouds, casting an eerie pall over the landscape.

Tyler, Texas’s weather patterns can be unpredictable, especially during the spring and summer months. The possibility of tornadoes, though not frequent, is a concern that residents should be aware of. For more information on tornado safety and preparedness, visit posibilidad de tornado.

As always, it’s crucial to stay informed about weather forecasts and take necessary precautions during severe weather events to ensure the safety of the Tyler community.

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